Tips For Making The Most Of Contract Work - For Both Freelancers And Employers

Tips For Making The Most Of Contract Work - For Both Freelancers And Employers

Right now, organisations looking to fill their key tech vacancies are facing a whole range of challenges. From the difficulty of attracting - and subsequently securing - the right talent in a candidate-driven job market, through to concerns about security, recruiters are struggling to meet their staffing needs.


One solution is to opt for contractors, rather than permanent employees. Of course, there can be drawbacks to taking this route, such as the possibility of having to wait for a contractor with the precise skill set your project needs, or the fact that a freelance worker will be less available to cover additional duties or tasks for your team. There can be a learning curve to figure out when taking on a contractor, as each new freelancer will inevitably require some time to get to grips with your business's systems and culture. Yet, ultimately, opting for contractors delivers far more benefits than drawbacks for both the contractor and the employer.



The Benefits Of Hiring Contractors

Perhaps one of the most compelling advantages of choosing a freelancer is that you can cut out the often protracted and challenging permanent recruitment process. Instead of having to filter applications and conduct interviews, you could be starting work on your key project more or less straight away. Furthermore, this approach will save you significant resources, both in terms of time and money (particularly if the whole recruitment process for a permanent employee needs to be repeated due to a bad hire).


It's also a great way to get access to a talented professional, with exactly the right skills you need for your project. A specialist freelancer is likely to be enthusiastic and motivated, too, as they have chosen to focus on this particular area of expertise, after all. This is a cost-effective way to get the benefit of a really talented candidate, exactly when your business needs this expert knowledge and experience the most.


Switching from hiring new permanent employees to bringing in contract staff can also save your organisation plenty of money in the long run. Whilst you will likely have to pay a higher hourly rate for your freelancer, you won't be paying out for other benefits that typically bump up the cost of a permanent salaried team member. Their insurance will usually be covered by their agency, too.


In addition, you are giving your business flexibility and agility, as you can pay for the skill sets you need, only for as long as you need them. And if the contractor you choose isn't working out for any reason, you can easily switch to a different professional without the complications associated with terminating a permanent staff member.




Access The Right Talent With Djr

Bringing in your ideal contract staff is easy when you partner with the experts in digital recruitment. At Djr, we have helped countless highly talented professionals craft rewarding IT careers as contractors for leading organisations, who turn to us time and again to solve their recruitment challenges.


Why not get in touch today, on 0203 070 9019, at Djr, The Smith, 145 London Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 6SR, or at, to find out how Djr can help you to fulfil your objectives?