Negotiating with developers even in candidate led markets

Negotiating with developers even in candidate led markets

It's a challenging time for organisations hoping to bring in the finest tech talent. The current candidate led market means that the volume of job opportunities far outnumbers the candidates available. The result? Applicants can pick and choose their next role. Yet it is possible to successfully negotiate with candidates, even in such a biased job market.


The Rise Of The Candidate Led Market

The Covid pandemic has certainly played its part in the current candidate driven job market. With the significant life changes driven by lengthy lockdown periods, developers have reassessed their priorities and objectives for their careers. In a great many cases, this has fuelled a desire for positions which can offer a better work/life balance, with flexible and hybrid working practices, together with access to the best technologies available.


For companies hoping to attract top talent to their development vacancies, this certainly poses a significant challenge. With the demand for tech talent currently outstripping supply, income expectations have shot up to reflect market forces. As a result, there needs to be a trade-off between meeting the budget and your key corporate objectives balanced with giving the finest candidates enough of an incentive to persuade them to join the team.



Giving Candidates What They Want

If you want to secure the development talent you need, then it's time to emphasise a host of reasons why your organisation is the best choice for the most talented and in demand candidates. Clearly, you will need to start by checking that you are offering the most competitive salary package you can afford. Find the going rate by asking others in your network, or a specialist recruitment tech agency. Information found on websites such as Glassdoor quickly becomes out of date in the current ebb and flow of the job market and expert input is essential here.


Offering flexible working, with the option to work remotely at least some of the time, will also make your position more appealing to many of the best candidates. Providing the most advanced technology will also be a major plus point, as will highlighting your commitment to continuous investment as technology continues to evolve.


Adding extra benefits is a good plan, too, but these don't necessarily need to leave you out of pocket. Highlighting your commitment to sustainability and diversity initiatives, such as carbon offsetting programmes, will be highly appealing to young, fresh tech talent who want to feel good about where they work. Similarly, emphasising a unique and positive working culture, with values that candidates can feel aligned with, will further strengthen your position.


Finally, it is critical that you provide demonstrable career development and training opportunities. Almost all of the strongest candidates will be looking to progress their careers into the future and this investment has the additional benefit of improving your long term staff retention, reducing the need to re-enter the battle for replacement talent.



Partner With A Specialist In Tech Recruitment

Here at djr, we understand the challenges of a candidate driven tech job market. With a wealth of experience, we help our clients to succeed in acquiring the top talent they need in this competitive environment. We can guide your recruitment strategy so that your organisation appeals to the right candidates, helping you to achieve your business objectives.


Why not discover how djr can transform your recruitment process, and get in touch today on 0203 070 9019, at djr, The Smith, 145 London Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 6SR, or