The real reason your tech team lack confidence and how to turn it around
No matter what industry you work in, it's natural to have highs and lows. Contrasting with times filled with impressive achievements, there will almost invariably be periods where your team appears to be in a slump. This is where the true value of skilled managers and a strong leadership team comes into play. Effective managers and leaders are adept at identifying any issues that may be at the root of visible issues and devising the strategies needed to turn things back around.
The Challenges Of A Struggling Tech Team
Just as with any other group, there could well be times when it is your tech teams who are struggling. If this is the case, you will tend to see it manifest in a number of key symptoms, including a seeming lack of technical capability, failure to meet deadlines, and therefore an inability to keep meeting the targets needed to propel your business forward. In an area driven by outcomes-based solutions, this can quickly lead to significant problems for your entire organisation. Of course, symptoms are just the outward signs that something is amiss, so if you are experiencing these issues with your tech team, the root cause could well be lack of motivation. Dealing with this promptly and effectively is essential if you want to get everyone back on track.
Tackling A Dip In Motivation
A lack of motivation in your tech team could, in part, be down to the way your workplace is currently being run. Today's professionals increasingly value a flexible working style, with the chance to work remotely from home at least some of the time. Similarly, if your teams don't feel that their hard work is being valued, for example by offering incentives for meeting deadlines or other targets, then there could be an issue. If your workplace isn't accommodating these common elements in modern working life, then it might be time to rethink your approach.
Creating - and maintaining - a positive workplace culture also has a valuable part to play in staff motivation. Fostering a working environment in which transparent communication is prioritised, and wherein all employees understand and feel aligned with your brand's key ethos and objectives will help to increase motivation. Everyone will feel that they are playing an important role in the company's success and that they are recognised for their contribution. Likewise, bringing in new staff must be handled carefully to ensure that new personalities integrate fully with the culture that you have worked so hard to create. Failure in any of these areas can compromise staff morale.
Trickier Issues
Sometimes, the problem of an under-performing tech team can be rooted in a loss of confidence, brought about by factors such as missing training, inadequate technology platforms, or issues with the delivery chain that make it harder for your tech talent to achieve their objectives. Here, transparent communication from line managers will mitigate the worst of the side effects, especially if there is no immediate resolution for some of the issues. Reassure your tech specialists that you recognise that they are doing their best in challenging circumstances and you will fuel their resolve to overcome any difficulties. Always ensure that your tech teams understand precisely what they are working towards, and feel enthusiastic about the products they are creating. Motivational levels will remain high, even in the face of challenges.
Your commitment to investment in your tech talent should be a priority - and visibly so. In providing training and career development support, you will maintain motivation and, crucially, staff retention levels in a competitive market.
Work With A Strategic Talent Partner
You can find the exceptional talent you need to achieve your business goals by partnering with tech recruitment specialists. At DJR, we identify the finest tech talent and place them in key positions, delivering outcomes-based solutions for your brand.
Why not get in touch today, at 0203 070 9019, djr, The Smith, 145 London Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 6SR, or, and discover how djr can create your perfect hiring strategy?